
The art of raising capital

The Funding Framework: Mastering the Art of Leverage for Sustainable Business Growth

January 01, 20237 min read

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” – Scott Belsky

Welcome to "The Funding Framework: Mastering the Art of Leverage for Sustainable Business Growth." In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the vital role that capital plays in the success of businesses. We will delve into the 3 different types of capital—earned, borrowed, and invested—and how they contribute to a company's growth and financial stability. Additionally, we will uncover the significance of leveraging strategic capitalization in establishing trust and credibility with clients, lenders, and investors. So, let's embark on this journey to discover the secrets of effective funding and its profound impact on thriving businesses.

how to raise capital

Let's dive in!👊🏿

The Three Pillars Of Raising Capital

To comprehend the significance of strategic capitalization, we must first understand its three fundamental pillars: earned, borrowed, and invested capital. Each pillar represents a unique source of funds that businesses leverage to fuel their growth and operations.

Earned Capital Is The Foundation

Earned capital, derived from the profits generated through business operations, forms the solid foundation for growth. Businesses that effectively manage their earnings are more likely to experience sustainable growth and financial stability. By reinvesting profits into the company, businesses can fuel expansion, hire additional staff, and invest in research and development. With proven consistent profit businesses can qualify for lending even with low or no credit, and demonstrate to investors that the business is viable and possibly a winning investment.

Borrowed Capital For Leveraged Growth

Borrowed capital, such as loans and credit lines, provides businesses with access to additional funds beyond their earned capital. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that use borrowed capital for growth initiatives experience higher revenue growth rates compared to those solely reliant on earned capital. This external funding allows businesses to seize growth opportunities, invest in marketing campaigns, and acquire assets.

Invested Capital Is More Than Just “The Money”

Invested capital, obtained through external sources like investors and partners, not only injects funds into the business but also brings valuable expertise and networks. According to PitchBook, venture investors deployed $288.3 billion in the US in 2022. By attracting invested capital, businesses can access industry knowledge, strategic guidance, and growth opportunities that can accelerate their expansion plans and market reach.

Build Credibility Through The Know, Like, and Trust Effect

Now that we grasp the three pillars of raising capital, it's essential to understand how they contribute to building credibility and establishing the Know, Like, and Trust effect with clients, lenders, and investors.

Businesses that effectively manage these 3 forms of capital are perceived as financially stable and reliable by clients. A study conducted by Salesforce reveals that 95% of consumers are more likely to be loyal to companies they trust. 92% are more likely to purchase additional products and services from trusted businesses, and 93% of customers are more likely to recommend a company they trust. By showcasing their financial responsibility and ability to deliver on promises, businesses build trust with clients, fostering long-term relationships and repeat business.

Instill Confidence in Lenders

Lenders evaluate a business's creditworthiness when assessing its ability to handle borrowed capital. According to the Federal Reserve, businesses with strong credit histories are more likely to secure favorable financing terms and higher loan amounts. By maintaining a healthy balance between debt and equity, making timely repayments, and demonstrating responsible financial management, businesses instill confidence in lenders, increasing their chances of accessing external funding.

Position Yourself As An Attractive Investment Opportunity

Investors seek businesses that exhibit potential for growth and profitability. By effectively leveraging earned, borrowed, and invested capital, businesses position themselves as attractive investment opportunities. According to a report by Bain & Co private capital raised hit $1.3 trillion in 2022. By showcasing their ability to generate profits, manage debt effectively, and attract strategic partnerships, businesses inspire investor confidence. This confidence translates into increased chances of securing funding, strategic alliances, and mentorship from experienced investors.

Now that we understand the importance of strategic capitalization in building trust, let's explore how businesses can effectively leverage their capital to drive growth and expansion.

Invest In Yourself to Fuel Growth & Trust

Businesses that reinvest their earned capital into operational growth initiatives experience significant advantages. By allocating funds towards hiring additional staff, investing in technology and infrastructure, and scaling production capabilities, businesses position themselves for sustained growth and increased market presence. The business owners who can show that they have reinvested their profits back into the company, demonstrate that they have strong confidence in the success of their own company.

Borrow to Grow

Borrowed capital provides businesses with the means to seize growth opportunities that may be beyond their immediate financial capabilities. By utilizing borrowed capital, businesses can fund large-scale projects, acquire assets, and launch targeted marketing campaigns to reach new markets. However, it is essential to approach borrowing responsibly, carefully considering repayment terms and ensuring the business's ability to meet financial obligations.

Nurture Relationships and Establish Authority

Effective capital raising goes beyond the financial aspects; it also lays the foundation for building strong relationships with stakeholders.

Businesses that effectively manage and leverage capital cultivate trust and satisfaction among their clients. A survey conducted by Edelman found that 81% of consumers say trust in a brand influences their buying decisions. By consistently delivering value, exceeding customer expectations, and demonstrating financial stability, businesses can nurture long-lasting relationships based on mutual trust and satisfaction. Simultaneously growing market authority.

Strategic capitalization allows businesses to invest in thought leadership initiatives, positioning themselves as industry leaders. By sharing industry insights, thought-provoking content, and engaging in relevant discussions, businesses establish themselves as experts in their field. According to LinkedIn, 55% of decision-makers use thought leadership as a way to vet organizations they are considering working with. By showcasing their expertise and authority, businesses enhance their credibility and attract clients, lenders, and investors who value their industry knowledge and insights.

Attract Capital By Being Attractive

Businesses that effectively leverage their capital and demonstrate financial responsibility become attractive propositions for lenders and investors. It should not be a surprise that businesses with strong financial performance are more likely to receive favorable terms from lenders. Similarly, investors seek companies with a track record of growth and profitability. By effectively managing earned, borrowed, and invested capital, businesses become more attractive to lenders and investors. This increased appeal opens doors to the best financing terms, lower rates, higher credit limits, and potential investment opportunities.

Lenders are more inclined to provide financing to businesses that demonstrate a solid financial foundation. By effectively managing earned capital, businesses showcase their ability to generate profits and maintain a positive cash flow. This financial stability instills confidence in lenders, as they see the business as a low-risk borrower. As a result, businesses gain access to loans, lines of credit, and other financial products that can fuel growth and support their strategic initiatives.

Investors, on the other hand, are looking for high growth potential and a compelling value proposition. By leveraging borrowed and invested capital, businesses can finance ambitious growth strategies, expand into new markets, and innovate their unique value proposition. This demonstrates to investors that the business has a clear vision for the future and the necessary resources to execute its plans successfully. Investors are more likely to be attracted to businesses that have already secured external funding, as it indicates validation from other industry players and a shared belief in the business's potential.

Raising capital serves as the lifeblood of businesses and is not simply about asking for money. It involves a strategic approach to funding the operation and future of the business, encompassing earned, borrowed, and invested capital. By effectively managing and leveraging these three types of capital, businesses can fuel their growth initiatives, establish trust and credibility with clients, lenders, and investors, and position themselves as industry leaders. The combination of financial responsibility, strategic decision-making, and nurturing strong relationships lays the foundation for long-term success. So, embrace the power of each form of capital available to you and your business and unlock the potential to thrive in the dynamic and competitive market.

J.W. Crawford Management and The Unbound Entrepreneur are here to help. If you are ready to leverage a wide range of funding sources, optimize your credit, attract investors, and nurture lasting relationships.

Funding FrameworkfundingArt of Leverageleveragecapital raising capitalStrategic capitalizationBorrowed capitalEarned capitalInvested capitalcredibilitylender trustclient trustinvestor trustknow, like, trustbuild credibilitySustainable Business Growth
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